We know that over the past couple of years, working families have been hit hard by inflation and the increasing cost of living.
Nabeela believes in a community where working families are able to send their kids to good public schools, but not give up their financial wellness to do so. Illinois must continue to invest in the Evidence Based Formula (EBF) – which will help shift the burden of funding our public schools exclusively from property taxes to our general revenue fund. The EBF is a critical tool in reducing our unacceptable racial wealth disparity in Illinois, and it’s a critical tool in reducing our property taxes.
Nabeela believes that seniors on fixed incomes should be able to age in their homes without being burdened by growing property taxes that fly in the face of their diligent financial planning. That is why she introduced a measure last year to increase the eligibility income for seniors to qualify for the senior property tax freeze. She is supporting a similar measure this year and will continue to do so until we see a change and our seniors are heard.
Nabeela understands that small businesses are a fundamental way for Illinoisans to achieve their entrepreneurial aspirations and for our community to exchange our culture, ideas, and creative expressions. They are also critical pieces of a thriving economy and will continue to advocate for programming, funding, and legislation that will support the thriving of our small businesses.
Nabeela maintains a strong commitment to passing a balanced budget in Springfield and continuing our trajectory of financial recovery and stability. Nabeela believes that we cannot afford to spend money that we do not have, and will support our strong leadership in ensuring that our financial future is bright.
As State Representative, Nabeela has been...
Rejecting proposals that would increase property taxes for our community
Advocating for extended tax relief for small businesses to accelerate job creation and economic growth in our state
Supporting closing corporate tax loopholes that allow big businesses to shift the tax burden onto Illinois households
Protecting workers’ rights and strengthen protections for collective bargaining in Illinois